Friday, June 15, 2012

An Analysis of a Sort Story "A Grave Problem"

An Analysis of a Short Story

 “A Grave Problem”
Written by Teruko Hyuga

1.      Setting
Setting of Place                      : The story takes places in Japan, Temple,
                                                  Home, Kimono Shop, and in an Auto Repair Shop.
Setting of Time                      : in winter
Socio-cultural Setting            : Modern society in which the people still hold the
  traditional value and principles.

2.      Character and Characterization
Main Character         :
§  Mrs. Hata: He is the late Kizo’s wife. She is a tolerant, permissive, and strong woman. She is the main character because she takes the most part in the story. She is the protagonist character. She symbolizes the right part of the side. She is patient and tough in facing all the problems of her life.
            Supporting Character          :
§  The Priest: He was a good one who worked in a traditional temple. However, he became greedy. He was the antagonist character.
§  Haruo:  He is Mr. Keizo and Mrs. Hata’s son. He is young, smart, and diligent.
§  Masako: She is Keizo’s sister. Mrs. Hata got much help from her in facing and solving the problems.
§  Mr. Akagi: He is the owner of the kimono shop. He was Keizo’ friend who became unkind after Keizo’s death.
§  Mr. Noma: He is the owner of an auto repair shop. He was also Keizo’s friend. He also became mean after Keizo’s death.

3.      Plot
Exposition      : Paragraph 1 (the introduction of the story). By reading the first
  paragraph we know some parts of the story includes the characters,
  I (Mrs. Hata), the priest. We also the places where the story
  happens like in the temple and at home.
            Complication : Started from the second paragraph, some problems faced by
  Mrs. Hata.
            Crisis              : The crisis happens when Mr. Nome directly wanted Hata to pay.
            Falling Action: Mrs. Hata paid Mr. Noma some amount of money as it should be.
            Resolution      : Almost at the end of the story we know that finally Mrs. Hata
                                      realizes that everything has changed after Keizo’ death. However,
                                      she is persistent to face her life as it is. She is prepared for
  The writer’s story applies Close Plot. It is known that finally Mrs.
  Hata, the main character realized that everything has changed after
  Keizo’s death. Consequently, she has to be able to face her life
  problem although it gets harder. Yet, her son, Haruo is always
  withher mother, Mrs. Hata to face the problems of their life
  The story also applies the Flashback in which the writer presents
  the story stated by the events at present and later presents back the
  happenings in the past.
The writer presents the following events:
*      The preparation or plan made by Keizo for his son, Haruo.
*      How Keizo passed away.
*      How Keizo was when he was still alive.
*      Who and how Keizo’s friends when he was alive.

4.      Point of View: The story writer applies omniscient point of view in which
   the narrator is outside the work.

5.      Symbol          :  Grave symbolizes the change and sadness of life.
   It is something that makes us feel sad and in problems.
6.      Tone              :  It presents sympathetic and ironical fact as well as situation.

7.      Theme           : Human relationship
  The relationship among the priest, Mrs. Hata, Haruo, Kimono’s
   shop, Keizo’s  friends etc.

8.      Message         : We should realize that problems may come anytime, anywhere,
   and to anyone because life is a problem even when we die still we
   cause problems to others.

9.      Comment
This short story has a very good coda for us. Consciously or not, we have to
be always in an alert condition in our life. We have to be able to learn everything in our daily life. Problems may come to us anytime and anywhere. Life is a problem. Since we are alive, we must be ready for problems. Because of the good moral value, this story is appropriately appreciated, and learnt.

10.  Summary
Mrs. Hata was in a confusion when the priest of the temple where all her family
had been buried asked her to move them to other temple. In case that she has not been able to move them, she has to pay the priest 800¥. Mrs. Hata tried to get the amount of money she needed. It was not a little amount of money for her to get. By selling her kimonos she hoped that she could solve the problem. However, Mr. Akagi, the kimono buyer gave her low price. Mrs. Hata agreed but she would take the kimono back when she got money. A friend of Mrs. Hata, Masako took other kimono and she got high price. By having enough money, Mrs. Hata and Masako paid Mr. Akagi again and they took the kimono back. Then they went to the priest to pay for the grave. They negotiated. After such a long bargain, finally Hata paid the priest 550¥. In the evening, after dinner, Mrs. Hata accompied Haruo, her , to fix the TV to the repair counter. Unfortunately, on the way home, they got an accident. They took the broken car to Keizo’s best friend, Mr. Noma, the auto repair shop owner, in the hope that they could pay the expense in ease. However, to Mrs. Hata’s surprise, Mr. Noma asked her to pay right at the moment.  She paid Mr. Noma.
            Finally, Mrs. Hata realized that her life became harder and more difficult after her husband’s death. To face her new condition of life she had to be much tougher and stronger. Everything was out of her imagination after the death of Keizo, her husband.

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