Saturday, July 7, 2012


Critical Review on “Ethnocracy and Multiculturalism: A Preliminary Study of the Cultural Aspects of the Besemah People at Pagaralam, Palembang” by Irmayanti Meliono

English Language Teaching (ELT) Department, Graduate School,
State University of Malang, Indonesia



The traditional governance system, Lampik Empat Merdike and Sindang Merdike  (free man) established by the Besemah society in the past is the source of enthusiasm and democratic spirit  in Besemah ethnocratic society. Multiculturalism in Besemah society still exists in their daily lives and has a pragmatic function to improve the quality of life in various sector (Meliono, 2011:59).
Based on the fact above, the reviewer would like to write a critical review on “Ethnocracy and Multiculturalism: A Preliminary Study of the Cultural Aspects of the Besemah People at Pagaralam, Palembang”. This article is written by Irmayanti Meliono in 2011. She  is a lecturer at Department of Area Studies, faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia.
This article focuses on discussing the multiculturalism as a unique characteristic of the Besemah community. There are two important aspects of multiculturalism in Besemah community, namely: (1) interaction and communication between different cultures (Besemah and Dutch), (2) changes in public perception regarding the Besemah from local to global perceptions.
Yet, in the discussion, it is found out that some components have not been discussed the completion of all of the presentation some of which are the values in the society that may cause the multiculturalism exists more firmly and how the society maintain the multiculturalism based on the values they hold. Being realized or not, there might be such kind of values in the form of propositions that play roles in maintaining the ethnocracy and multiculturalism exist better though change as the development of the era.
To comprehend more on the contents of the article and the strengths as well as the weaknesses of the article, here is presented the critical review of this article. It is done in order to get much more information on the contents of the article and to find out the strength and the weakness.


By applying a qualitative method and multidisciplinary approach, the researcher
conducted a research as reported in her article to show the positive side of ethnicity to develop multiculturalism using the principles and norms developed by the Besemah people in order to formulate policies to respond to the challenge of globalization.
            Based on the results and discussion, it is known that there are three main findings, namely: (a) an understanding of the cultural background of Besemah society in the past namely the traditional culture and the Dutch colonial culture in the area, (b) understanding the notion of ethnocracy in Besemah as derived from the system of Lampik Empat Merdike, a system of traditional governance, as well as the principles of Sindang Merdike
(free man),  and (c) understanding the concept of multiculturalism among the Besemah people, which consists of elements from culture, traditional governance systems, Dutch colonialism, and also the local and global perceptions of the community.
            The third result of this research indicates that the concept of multiculturalism in Besemah people has changed the society from a traditional society to a modern society, and the community accepts globalization in various situations and conditions.


            In the introduction, the writers of this article, Irmayanti Meliono provides  all aspects related to the  Ethnocracy and Multiculturalism : A Preliminary Study of the Cultural Aspects of the Besemah People at Pagaralam, Palembang.  However, in this case the reviewer thinks that there are at least one main aspect that is not coped in this article, namely the role of the traditional values in terms of some propositions that may affect the
the existence of multiculturalism of Besemah People at Pagaralam, Palembang.
            This article does not present the roles of the traditional values in the forms of propositions that show the deep meanings. These propositions, existed in the society of Besemah people at Pagaralam may support the existence of multiculturalism. Rahyono (2011:21-58) shows the propositions in Javanese cultures. The good proposition of a society may give good impact to their cultures. The same thing may happen to the Besemah people. They may have traditional values that make multiculturalism exists without any problems. This point is not discussed in this article.


In short, this article, as results of a study, presents a comprehensive discussion on
the ethnocracy and multiculturalism  happens to the Besemah people at Pagaralam,
Palembang. Lampik Empat Merdike and Principles Sindang Merdike, as the Besemah traditional system of governance served as bases to defend their land against the Dutch. They were also the principles and the spirit that have grown in Besemah people’s lives.
            In general, the results of the research, presented in this article have coped the components related to the topic under discussion. The researcher presents the elements to discuss related to ethnocracy and multiculturalism happened in the Besemah people at Pagaralam, Palembang.
            To highlight the results of the research done by the researcher, here we can say that Inayanti Meliono as discussed in her article has presented adequate explanation and compilation related to the topic.

Meliono, Irmayanti. 2011. Ethnocracy and Multiculturalism: A Preliminary Study of the
Cultural Aspects of the Besemah People at Pagaralam, Palembang. Makara, Sosial
 Humaniora, Vol. 15, No. 1, July 2011 (p.p. 59-66). Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia.

The Concept of Fairness as Expressed in Javanese Propositions: A Study of Cultural
Wisdom. Makara, Sosial Humaniora, Vol. 15, No. 1, July 201 (p.p. 21-28).
Jakarta:Universitas Indonesia

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