Saturday, July 7, 2012


Assessment of Students in Indonesian Context

By: Sukardi

A.    Introduction
To us, it seems to be common that students are identical to studying,
learning, and assessment. When students have finished learning certain amount of learning materials in a certain amount of time planned, they have assessment in the form of either a test or other kind of assessment. Sometimes it is often heard the saying that the task of a student is studying and learning. Consequently they have to have assessment.
            Assessment is carried out to know and measure the result of the students’ learning. Having had learning for a certain amount of time, the students are assessed to know how much they have mastered the learning materials given by their teachers. This short writing tries to discuss about the assessment of students in Indonesian context which is done by the teacher, by the school/institution of education, and by the government.

B.     Discussion
The first one is the assessment done by the teacher. Teachers have two
kinds of assessment based on its purpose. They are formative-assessment and summative-assessment. Formative assessment is done to “help” or “develop” students. It is also needed by the teacher to draw a conclusion on the strength and weakness of the individuals of the students. Such kind of assessment is usually done after the students have finished learning one or two basic competence. It is more popular known as a daily test. Summative-assessment is used to make a “summarizing” judgment of what students have learned or done. It is done twice in the half and in the end of the academic year. The test item covers all the materials learned by the students during the semester they have. It is usually called the semester final examination, the result of the which, combined with the score of the daily test are put in a book of report. The grade on the book report in the end of the academic year is used to judge whether the students are classified to be able to go the following grade or they must be stay in the same grade in the next academic year.
            The second kind of assessment is the one done by the school/the education institution. It is the assessment done in the end of the last academic year of a certain level of education. It is called the school final examination. The result of such kind of assessment is so called the school examination grade which in turn is combined with the students’ grade on their national final examination used to judge whether are classified to be able to graduate from a certain level of education or not.
            The last one is the assessment done by the government. Based on the
government regulation, it is commonly known as the national examination. It is done once at least and twice at most in an academic year. However, so far the government holds the national examination once a year. The purpose of the national examination is to assess/measure the achievement of the graduation competence nationally on certain subjects of science and technology. In the broader sense, the results of the national examination is utilized as the following considerations: a) mapping the qualification degree of a program/an education institution; b) the basis for enrolling the higher degree level of education; c) judgment on the students whether they can graduate from the institution of education or not; d) assisting and giving fund to the education institutions of education in developing their qualities.

C.    Conclusion
Assessment is closely related to the students’ learning activities. In
Indonesian context, there are some types of assessment done by the teacher, the institution of education, and the government each of which has its own purpose and mechanism in conducting it. The common assessment done by the teachers are so called formative and summative assessment. While the institution of education conducts assessment usually called the school final examination. The last is the assessment done by the government that is called the national examination.



4: The student is able to speak continuously without apparent hesitation/pause, the message
     is clear.
3: The student is able to speak with few hesitations, but the message is still clear enough.
2: The student is able to speak with some hesitations, the message is unclear.
1: The student is able to speak with a lot of hesitation, the message cannot be understood.

4: The student is able to speak with correct grammar and produces few mistakes and diction.
3: The student is able to speak with some mistakes in grammar and produces some 
     inappropriate diction.
2: The student is able to speak with a lot of mistakes in grammar and produces a lot of
     inappropriate diction.
1: The student is able to speak with too many grammatical mistakes and inappropriate
     diction, the message cannot be understood.

4: The student is able to speak with correct pronunciation.
3: The student is able to speak with few mispronunciations, but the message is clear.      
2: The student is able to speak with some mispronunciations, the message is unclear.
1: The student is able to speak with a lot of mispronunciations, the message cannot be

4: The student is able to speak clearly and understandably, the message is grasped.
3: The student is able to speak with few intelegible me message.
2: The student is able to speak
1: The student is able to speak



Coherence / Organization:
4: The student is able to develop a coherent and a well organized paragraph
3: The student is able to develop a fair coherent and fair organized paragraph
2: The student is able to develop a less coherent and less organized paragraph
1: The student is able to develop incoherent and poor organized paragraph

4: The student is able to develop a paragraph which is fully relevant to the topic
3: The student is able to develop a paragraph which is fairly relevant to the topic
2: The student is able to develop paragraph which is less relevant to the topic
1: The student is able to develop paragraph which is irrelevant to the topic

4: The student is able to develop a paragraph with good diction/most of the words related to
 the topic
3: The student is able to develop a paragraph with fair diction/many words related to the
2: The student is able to develop a paragraph with poor diction/some words not
 related to the topic
1: The student is able to develop a paragraph with very bad diction/ many words not related
            to the topic

4: The student is able to develop a paragraph which is grammatically correct
3: The student is able to develop a paragraph with few mistakes in grammar
2: The student is able to develop a paragraph with many mistakes in grammar
1: The student is able to develop a paragraph with too many mistakes in grammar

4: The student is able to write a paragraph with correct punctuation
3: The student is able to write a paragraph with a few mistakes on punctuation
2: The student is able to write a paragraph with many mistakes on punctuation
1: The student is able to write a paragraph with too many mistakes on punctuation

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